January 13, 2020 7:00 am

Nathalie Wiederkehr

There are many reasons why you may not be able to have a baby. The reasons for infertility can be the fault of either the man or the woman. Of course, it is important to clarify this before any possible treatment. There are several options with different side effects to help you get pregnant. These include IVF and conventional hormone treatment. However, both are often associated with severe side effects and IVF is not comparable to natural conception and should only be used as a last resort.

Homeopathy, on the other hand, has many effective remedies that can be used if you want to have children, without harmful side effects or time-consuming and unpleasant examinations. Read more about how homeopathy can help you on your way to baby bliss.

The female cycle

Childlessness is often caused by problems with the female cycle. The aim here is to show what you can do as a woman if you suspect that childlessness is related to this type of problem or to fertility problems.

The menstrual cycle is a complex process in the body. Controlled by certain glands in the body, the release of various hormones is responsible for the processes that take place during the cycle. A distinction is made between the first and second halves of the cycle. The first half begins with the start of your period. It lasts until about the 14th to 16th day of the cycle. This is when the second phase of the cycle begins with ovulation and the egg moves into the womb, where everything is prepared for fertilisation. If fertilisation occurs, pregnancy is possible. If the egg is not fertilised, the lining of the womb is shed when the menstrual period begins and the cycle begins again.

There are many disorders and imbalances in this process that can prevent successful fertilisation and pregnancy. A woman's hormonal system is very susceptible to disruption, which can also occur at a psychological and emotional level. Stress can also cause problems.

Depending on the cause of the problem, it may be worth trying to restore balance to the cycle with the help of homeopathy.

Possible causes of infertility

Fertility problems can affect both you and your husband. In men, this is usually due to a low number or quality of sperm or a lack of activity. They are then unable to reach the egg to fertilise it. Again, homeopathy can help by stimulating the man's hormonal system with a suitable remedy.

But now the question is what will help you to prepare your own cycle in the best possible way for pregnancy. There are several factors that contribute to a well-functioning cycle.

  • the length of your cycle
  • the condition of the uterus in the 2nd half of the cycle
  • implantation
  • the maintenance of the pregnancy

Hormones such as progesterone and oestrogen and many other important messengers are responsible for these factors. Hormonal disorders or a lack of these hormones can cause an irregular cycle. Ovulation may be delayed or may not occur at all. This makes fertilisation difficult. And even if fertilisation does occur, there may be problems with building a 'viable' womb lining in the second half of the cycle. This can make it impossible for a fertilised egg to implant in the uterus, which is necessary for pregnancy to occur. This can be caused by a lack of progesterone or oestrogen, for example.

Conditions such as endometriosis or cysts on the ovaries can also cause infertility.

Can homeopathy help with the desire to have a child?

Whether homeopathic treatment can help with the desire to have a child depends on what and where the problems occur in the cycle. Hormonal imbalances leading to luteal insufficiency, progesterone deficiency, oestrogen deficiency, endometriosis and irregular menstrual cycles often respond well to homeopathic treatment if the right remedy is found.

A homeopathic anamnesis involves a detailed interview to determine the patient's constitutional type and the exact nature of the symptoms. The choice of remedy is then made. In order for a homeopathic remedy to be fully effective, a number of factors need to be taken into account:

  • Avoid taking strong conventional medicines at the same time.
  • Avoid products containing mint and camphor.
  • Avoid heavy and regular use of alcohol, tobacco and coffee.

A homeopathic treatment is part of a certain process, during which new symptoms or a short-term increase in existing symptoms may occur. This is not a reason to stop treatment. In any case, you should consult the homeopath or your doctor. Patience is needed when using homeopathy for infertility as it may take time for the hormonal system to return to normal. It is also possible that the remedy may need to be changed in the meantime if the symptoms have changed.

Homeopathic therapy has been used successfully by many people and has also been shown to be effective in cases of infertility. The chances of success are particularly high because homeopathy is a holistic approach. Pressure and stress are often factors that can prevent conception. Homeopathic treatment also takes into account and ideally restores the psychological balance.

Only if the fallopian tubes are not patent, for example if they are blocked due to inflammation, are other measures necessary and homeopathy should only be used after this treatment.

«Luteal insufficiency, progesterone deficiency, oestrogen deficiency, endometriosis and irregular menstrual cycles often respond well to homeopathic treatment.»

What homeopathic remedies can be used?

Different homeopathic remedies can be used to treat infertility, depending on the symptoms and problems.


Pulsatilla is one of the most important homeopathic remedies for women. It activates fertility and regulates the cycle, which is why it is often used in cases of unfulfilled desire for children and in general for cycle disorders. Women who respond well to Pulsatilla tend to be gentle, yielding and emotional. Their condition changes frequently.

It can also help with luteal insufficiency, delayed ovulation, hormonal imbalances and irregular cycles.


Sepia is also one of the most important remedies for women. Sepia is characterised by a lack of progesterone, which can lead to very long or absent cycles and irregularity. Sepia types are often women who do not identify with the typical mothering role and suffer from exhaustion. Sepia can also help with endometriosis.

Agnus Castus

Agnus Castus, the monk's pepper, is a typical remedy for luteal weakness. This leads to a weak cycle that is often too long or very irregular. It can be a very valuable remedy here.

Argentum metallicum

This is a remedy for hormonal problems in men. It activates sperm production and can also help improve sperm quality.

Nux vomica

Nux vomica is particularly useful when stress and excessive use of stimulants or medicines are to blame for infertility. It helps to reduce stress and harmonise the whole organism. The hormonal system also benefits.

Potassium carbonicum

Problems can also arise when trying to get pregnant. If fertilisation has occurred, Kalium carbonicum can help to maintain the pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.

Alchemilla (lady's mantle)

Another classic female remedy is lady's mantle. Its main function is to prepare the uterus for implantation. Its protective function for the female cycle can also help to relieve menstrual pain and regulate the cycle.


The effect of bryophyllum is similar to that of progesterone. It helps to prolong the second half of the cycle and supports egg implantation. Bryophyllum is also very suitable for treating nervous disorders associated with the cycle.

About the Author

Hello, I am Nathalie Wiederkehr, a medical tourism expert from Biel, Switzerland. I too wanted to have children, but due to my age and divorce I was not supported in my country. That is why I founded "Your IVF Support" to help all women with my knowledge about fertility treatments in Europe.

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