September 23, 2022 11:01 am

Nathalie Wiederkehr

Gender selection, also known as sex selection or family balancing, is becoming more popular among couples around the world. Because of the newest developments in IVF technologies and the increasing knowledge and expertise in genetics, you now have the chance to choose the sex of your baby.

I have prepared this article to help you understand the most important details about gender selection. With this information, I hope to help you make an informed decision as you dream of having a baby boy or a baby girl.

Should I choose the gender of my baby?

There could be various reasons why aspiring parents may want to choose the sex of their baby. Both medical and non-medical reasons are valid justifications for gender selection.1

Medical reasons

Sex selection can be used to prevent giving birth to a child that is affected by sex-linked disorders. If you or your partner has a known family history of sex-linked disorders such as hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or fragile X syndrome, it would be a rational decision to opt for a baby girl, as these disorders tend to affect male children.

Family balancing

Parents may be inclined to choose the sex of their next child to have an equal number of girls and boys in their family. This practice is known as family balancing. Couples who wish to have only one child can also consider gender selection so they can have a baby girl or boy as they desire.

Personal and cultural reasons

Needless to say, personal preferences are valid reasons for gender selection. For example, it is natural for a woman to want a baby girl and for a father to have his son. Some families, because of culture and tradition, may favor having a son over a daughter.

Whatever your reason is, you can utilize gender selection as a practical tool to build your dream family.

Sex Selection

Natural methods for gender selection

The idea of sex selection is, in fact, not a new concept for aspiring parents. Even before the advent of new IVF technologies, people have been curious about how to have a baby of their preferred gender. Some “natural” techniques to get pregnant with a specific gender had been around for centuries and several new methods have been introduced in the recent decades. Check out the following ways that you could try if you are thinking of having a baby boy or a baby girl:

Sex position and timing of sex – The Shettles Method

In 1971, American doctor Landrum B. Shettles published his book entitled, “Your Baby’s Sex: Now You Can Choose”. In this book, Dr. Shettles described the physical differences between the X and Y chromosome, and how these differences could be used as the basis for sex selection.2

As you can recall, females naturally have two X chromosomes (XX) while males have 1 X and 1 Y chromosome (XY). The Shettles technique is based on the hypothesis that the sperm carrying the Y chromosome are lighter, swim faster, and have higher energy than sperm cells that carry the X chromosome. Meanwhile, the X-sperm are thought to be more resistant to the acidic nature of the vagina than the fragile Y-sperm. Because of this, X-sperm tend to live longer than Y-sperm.3 Given these attributes of the X- and Y-sperm, Shettles recommended the ideal sex positions and timing of intercourse to have a male or female baby.

Sex position

To have a baby boy, Shettles concluded that female orgasm must occur. He noted that alkaline secretions increase during female orgasm, and this alkaline environment is favorable for the Y-sperm. According to him, there must be deep penetrative sex that will stimulate an alkaline-rich cervix, which will then allow the quick-moving Y-sperm to reach the egg cell first.2

To have a baby girl, Shettles advised that the penetration should not be deep. Shallow penetration during sex is thought to result in a female baby because this favors the X-sperm which can withstand the acidic vaginal environment for longer periods compared to the Y-sperm. The old-fashioned missionary position is noted to be the best choice for a shallow penetrative sex that will promote the conception of a baby girl.4

Timing of intercourse

With regard to the timing of the sexual intercourse, the Shettles technique assumes that the internal environment of the vagina is generally acidic, but becomes slightly alkaline closer to the woman’s ovulation period. Since an alkaline vaginal environment is thought to be ideal for the sperm that carries the Y chromosome, Shettles recommended that a couple desiring a male offspring should time their sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation. On the other hand, if a couple wants to have a female baby, then they should time the intercourse 2 to 3 days before the day of ovulation.

The Shettles method raises interesting points on how to have a male or female offspring through sex positions and timing. However, recent research studies have disproved the concepts included in the Shettles technique. For instance, a study published in 2020 concluded that the X- and Y-sperm do not really vary in size, speed, or shape, or their reaction to the pH of the vagina.5 In other words, sex position and timing may not really have an effect on whether you will get pregnant with a male or female offspring. Still, there’s no harm in trying.

Whelan Method

The Whelan method also talks about the timing of the intercourse and how the biochemical changes in the woman’s body during ovulation affect the survival of the sperm inside the vagina. However, the Whelan method is somehow the opposite of the Shettles technique. To conceive a boy, the couple must have sexual intercourse about 4 to 6 days before ovulation. To conceive a girl, sex must be timed 2 to 3 days prior to ovulation.3

Billings Ovulation Method

The Billings ovulation method is another timing technique for sex preselection. This technique is specifically used if a couple wants to have a male offspring. The Billings ovulation method recommends the timing of intercourse with ovulation using the marker “peak symptom”.

The “peak” is the last day of the menstrual cycle. The “peak symptom” refers to the characteristic slippery sensation and the raw egg white appearance of the vaginal mucus of fertile women. This type of mucus is thought to be ideal for the Y-sperm, which is short-lived but is more motile and can reach the egg cell rapidly with the help of the vaginal mucus. Therefore, according to the Billings method, to have a male baby, sexual intercourse should be timed on the day this “peak symptom” is observed. The success rate of this method is reportedly 94.9%.3

Diet prior to pregnancy

A popular natural method that is thought to influence the gender of the baby is through diet. This method became famous among women in recent years because it is relatively more practical and easier than other natural methods for sex preselection. Moreover, some research studies have provided scientific evidence of how diet could influence the gender of your baby.

The principle of diet modification prior to pregnancy is based on the hypothesis that a woman’s diet affects the pH of her reproductive tract. As mentioned above, it is believed that an alkaline vaginal environment favors sperm cells carrying the Y-chromosome, while an acidic environment is ideal for sperm carrying the X-chromosome. Hence, eating foods that promote an alkaline or an acidic vaginal environment could determine whether you will be pregnant with a boy or a girl.3

Recent research studies have indicated the specific types of diet that will favor the conception of a specific gender. According to researchers, altering the balance between magnesium and calcium vs. potassium and sodium could influence the function of the receptors on the surface of the egg cell, thereby improving the chances of attracting a particular type of sperm.

To increase your chances of having a baby boy, it is advised that the woman maintains a diet that is high in potassium and sodium, as these foods will make the oocyte more attracted to the sperm carrying the Y chromosome.  Foods such as bananas, vegetables, meat, and fish prior to pregnancy are recommended if you want to conceive a male baby.6

To improve your chances of having a baby girl, you should increase your intake of calcium and magnesium-rich foods such as milk, cheese, and beans.6 Previous diet surveys of couples with three or more daughters and no sons showed that foods rich in calcium and magnesium are major components of the mother’s diet.7

The exact mechanism how these food and electrolytes in the maternal diet influence the baby’s sex is not yet completely understood. Still, studies have shown high success rates among women who followed these diet recommendations. It has been reported that through diet modifications, up to 75-80% of the mothers were successful in having a baby of their preferred sex.7

Jonas Method

The Jonas method is another natural technique that you could try if you want to have a baby of a particular gender. This method is introduced by Dr. Eugen Jonas as one of the components of his method of Natural Conception Control. According to the Centrum Jonas International, the Jonas method has a success rate of 98.6%.8

Unlike the methods previously mentioned above, the Jonas method integrates the activity of the moon with fertility cycles to predict the sex of your baby. The Jonas method is based on the assumption that the woman’s fertility is influenced by periodic variations which in turn, could affect conception of a baby of a specific sex.

For gender prediction, the Jonas method takes into account the zodiac signs and moon phases. The sex of the baby to be conceived depends on the position of the moon at conception. According to the Jonas method, the basis of sex determination is the lunar cycle. Dr. Jonas thought that as the moon passes through the different zodiac signs, the pH of the uterus changes from alkaline to more acidic, hence affecting the survival of sperm during intercourse.

The time of the baby’s conception could fall either on a “male” or “female” zodiac sign. If the baby was conceived while the moon was passing through a “male” zodiac sign, the baby would most likely be a boy. Male zodiac signs include Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra. Meanwhile, if the moon passes through a “female” zodiac sign, the baby would most like be a girl. Female zodiac signs include Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, and Aries.8

Chinese calendar for sex determination

The Chinese lunar calendar can also be used to predict the gender of your baby. This method takes into account the month of conception and the age of the mother during conception. The method uses a specific formula to ascertain the sex of the baby.

While the other natural methods are to be done prior to the pregnancy, the Chinese calendar can be used at any point during your pregnancy. Consulting the Chinese lunar chart for sex determination is actually an ancient practice, as it dates back over 700 years ago. It may be an old method, but it boasts of an accuracy of up to 90%. Still, it is important to remember that this method is not based on science, and currently, there are no credible scientific studies about the Chinese gender calendar.9

"The success rate of PGD is impressive, as it is reported to be >99.9% accurate in preselecting the preferred gender."

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a laboratory procedure that can be performed during the IVF process to identify embryos of particular sex. Through PGD, the 8-celled embryos, on the third day of their development, are biopsied and examined to determine whether they contain the XX or XY pair of chromosomes. The healthy embryos of the preferred gender are then selected and consequently implanted in the woman’s uterus. The sex of the developing fetus can then be confirmed through chorionic villous sampling (CVS) on the 11th week of gestation. The success rate of PGD is impressive, as it is reported to be >99.9% accurate in preselecting the preferred gender.

PGD is currently the only approved, safest, and most commonly performed gender selection procedure in major fertility centers.

While PGD could be the ideal procedure for gender selection during IVF, it does have some disadvantages. PGD is not 100% reliable and some laboratories might only be able to detect specific genetic features of the embryo. Also, you might have to consider the cost of this procedure, as PGD is relatively more expensive than other techniques for sex selection.3


MicroSort is another sperm sorting technique that can be used for gender preselection prior to IVF. MicroSort uses a technology known as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to identify X- and Y-sperm. The MicroSort procedure involves staining the sperm sample with a special fluorescent dye and running this sample through a machine that will sort the sperm with the X chromosome and those with the Y chromosome. Depending on the preferred gender of the parents, the corresponding sperm will then be selected and inseminated for conception. The reported success rates of MicroSort are 73-81% in couples desiring a male baby and 88-92% in couples desiring a female baby.3

The success rates of MicroSort are certainly promising, but it is currently not performed in IVF clinics in the United States because it failed to secure the approval of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA).

The procedure, however, is still performed in IVF clinics in Northern Cyprus. If you are interested in MicroSort as a gender selection tool, you might want to consider visiting the fertility centers in Northern Cyprus.

Swim-up Technique

The swim-up technique is an advanced type of sperm sorting or sperm purification that is presently performed in many laboratories. The swim-up technique gathers the most motile sperm in the upper fraction and accumulates the less motile sperm in the lower layer. Considered as a simple step for sperm preparation, the swim-up procedure is performed prior to in vitro fertilization.10

Research studies have demonstrated the success of using the swim-up technique for gender selection during IVF. For instance, a study published in 1999 showed that using the bottom 0.5 mL layer of a semen sample subjected to the swim-up technique for intrauterine insemination among individuals who desired a female offspring was 86.7% more effective compared to the control group. This same study also showed that using the top 0.5 mL layer of the separated semen sample was 89.2% more effective than the control group.11

More recent studies, however, were not able to provide convincing evidence on the accuracy and success of the swim-up technique.

What gender selection method is for you?

Gender selection is a personal decision for any aspiring parent. If you desire of having a baby of a specific gender but do not know where to start, which gender selection method you should choose, or where to get help from, you can consult a fertility consultant who will help you find the best IVF clinics that offer preimplantation genetic diagnosis, swim-up, or MicroSort. Your fertility consultant can also provide online courses to help you learn more about gender selection, IVF treatments, and the most affordable and accessible IVF clinics in Northern Cyprus. Contact a fertility consultant today and start your journey towards having the baby of you’ve always dreamed of.


  • Iliyasu, M., & Adam, S. (n.d.). Gender (sex) selection: scientific, religious and socio-cultural perspectives.
  • Celestine, C. (2022). Sex positions for a baby boy: what does the science say?
  • Rai, P., Ganguli, A., Balachandran, S., Gupta, R., & Neogi, S. (2018). Global sex selection techniques for family planning: a narrative review. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1–13.
  • Kallen, A. (2022). Sex positions for a baby girl: what does the science say?
  • Rahman, M., & Pang, M. (2020). New biological insights on X and Y chromosome-bearing spermatozoa. Front. Cell Dev. Biol, 7.
  • Hameed, R. (2018). Diet before pregnancy can affect baby’s sex. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 9(8), 1113–1116.
  • Noorlander, A., Geraedts, J., & Melissen, J. (2010). Femal gender pre-selection by maternal diet in combination with timing of sexual intercourse - a prospective study. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 21, 794–802.
  • Centrum Jonas International. (2022). The method.
  • Healthline. (2018). Chinese gender predictor tool.
  • Magdanz, V., Boryshpolets, S., Ridzewski, C., Eckel, B., & Reinhardt, K. (2019). The motility-based swim-up technique separates bull sperm based on differences in metabolic rates and tail length. PLoS ONE, 14(10), 1–16.
  • Khatamee, M., Horn, S., Weseley, A., Farooq, T., Jaffe, S., & Jewelewicz, R. (1999). A controlled study for gender selection using swim-up separation. Gynecol. Obstet. Invest., 48(1), 7–13.
About the Author

Hello, I am Nathalie Wiederkehr, a medical tourism expert from Biel, Switzerland. I too wanted to have children, but due to my age and divorce I was not supported in my country. That is why I founded "Your IVF Support" to help all women with my knowledge about fertility treatments in Europe.

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