October 8, 2023 6:12 pm

Nathalie Wiederkehr

If you have decided to undergo infertility treatment overseas, there are some important steps you should take to prepare for your treatment. Thorough preparation will help ensure that your treatment goes smoothly and that you can focus on your health and wellbeing.

In this article, I will give you some tips on how to prepare for your treatment abroad.

Fertility clinic protocols abroad - what to expect

If you're considering fertility treatment abroad, it's important to find out about the clinic's protocols and procedures in advance. Each clinic may have its own specific protocols, but in general there are some common steps and expectations.

Here is a general overview of what to expect at a fertility clinic abroad:

Initial meeting and medical assessment

The initial meeting with the clinic usually involves a detailed interview to discuss your medical history. This will include questions about your health, lifestyle and previous treatments. There may also be a physical examination and various tests to help make an accurate diagnosis and plan the best course of treatment for you.

Treatment planning

Based on the results of the medical evaluation, a personalised treatment plan will be developed with you. This plan will usually include information about the type of treatment, time frame, medications needed and financial considerations.

Medication stimulation

In most cases, infertility treatment will include drug stimulation to increase the number and quality of eggs. The exact medications and dosages will be explained to you by the clinic. You may be asked to take daily injections or oral medication, and have regular check-ups to monitor the progress of the stimulation.

Follicle monitoring

During stimulation, you will have regular ultrasound scans to monitor the growth of the follicles (egg containers). These scans help to determine the optimal time for egg retrieval.

Egg retrieval

Once the follicles have matured sufficiently, egg retrieval is carried out. This is a minimally invasive procedure, usually done under general anaesthetic. The doctor uses a thin needle to retrieve the eggs from the follicles. The retrieved eggs are then prepared in the laboratory for further treatment.

Fertilisation and embryo transfer

If the treatment is IVF or ICSI, the egg is fertilised in the laboratory with sperm from your partner or a donor. The fertilised eggs are cultured in an incubator for a few days before being selected for embryo transfer. During embryo transfer, the embryos are transferred to your uterus through a thin catheter.

Aftercare and pregnancy test

After embryo transfer, you will have a period of rest and recovery. You may be asked to take certain medicines to help the embryos implant. About two weeks after the embryo transfer, you will have a pregnancy test to see if the treatment was successful.

Throughout the process, you will work closely with the fertility clinic team. They will give you instructions and advice to make sure you follow the treatment steps correctly. The clinic will also give you regular updates on your progress and be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

It is important to note that each treatment cycle is individual and the exact protocols and procedures may vary depending on the clinic and your specific situation. It is advisable to discuss all the details with the clinic in advance so that you have a clear understanding of the expected steps and process.

Finally, infertility treatment is an emotional and demanding process. Support from the fertility clinic team and an open discussion about your concerns and wishes will help to ensure that you feel well looked after and receive the best possible support to fulfil your desire to have a child.

IVF treatment process abroad

How can you prepare for treatment?

If you decide to have fertility treatment abroad, there are some important steps you should take to prepare yourself as well as possible. Thorough preparation will help ensure that your treatment goes smoothly and that you can focus on your health and wellbeing.

Consultation with a doctor

Before you decide to undergo fertility treatment abroad, you should consult a specialist. The doctor can help you understand your options and review your medical history to make sure you are a suitable candidate for treatment. He or she may also be able to recommend specialist clinics abroad that will meet your needs.

Researching and choosing a clinic

It is important to research and compare different fertility clinics before choosing one. Make sure that the clinic has qualified and experienced doctors and medical professionals who specialise in assisted reproductive technologies. Also check the clinic's success rates to make sure they have a good track record.

Planning the trip

Start planning your trip early to make sure you have enough time to make all the necessary arrangements. Make sure you have all the necessary travel documents, such as a valid passport and visa, if required. Also consider the cost of travel and accommodation and make sure you have sufficient funds.

Communicating with the clinic

Keep in regular contact with the clinic to make sure you have all the information you need and that everything is going well. Make sure that you have sent all relevant medical records to the clinic and that all necessary appointments have been made.

Preparing for treatment

Prepare yourself physically and mentally for treatment. Make sure you eat well and take regular exercise to optimise your physical health. Also, make sure you have a positive attitude and focus on your health and well-being.

There are some important steps you should take to prepare for fertility treatment abroad. Thorough preparation will help ensure that your treatment goes smoothly and that you have the best possible experience. Make sure you have a consultation with a doctor to review your medical history and get recommendations for fertility clinics abroad. Carefully research and compare different clinics to find the one that best suits your needs.

Start planning your trip well in advance to allow enough time to make all the necessary arrangements. Also, keep in regular contact with the clinic to ensure that you have all the information you need and that everything is in order. Also, make sure you are physically and emotionally prepared for treatment by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and developing a positive attitude.

By preparing carefully for your fertility treatment abroad, you can ensure that the treatment goes smoothly and that you can concentrate on your health and wellbeing. Good preparation will enable you to fulfil your desire to have a child.

IVF treatment process abroad
IVF treatment process abroad

What should you think about before you leave?

There are many important factors to consider before you leave. Careful planning and preparation will help to ensure that your time abroad is as stress-free as possible and that your treatment runs smoothly.

Length of travel and stay

Plan your travel and length of stay carefully, and make sure you have enough time to make all the necessary arrangements and to recover sufficiently during your stay. Make sure you have sufficient funds to cover the costs of your travel and stay abroad.

Visa and entry requirements

Make sure you have all the documents you need to travel abroad. Depending on the country and purpose of your trip, you may need a visa. Also check the entry requirements of the country you are visiting and make sure you have all the necessary vaccinations.

Communication and translation

Familiarise yourself with the language and culture of your destination before you leave. If you do not speak the language, make sure you have translations of important documents and conversations. Make sure you can communicate with family and friends while you are abroad.

Medical care

Make sure you have had all the necessary medical check-ups before you leave and that you have all the necessary medication with you. Also find out about the medical facilities and emergency services in your destination country.

Financial matters

Make sure you have sufficient financial resources for your time abroad. Calculate the costs of treatment, travel and accommodation in advance to avoid unexpected expenses.

Transport and accommodation

Make sure you have transport and accommodation arrangements for your time abroad. Depending on the distance and length of your stay, it may be wise to book your flights and accommodation in advance. Also consider the location of the accommodation and its proximity to the fertility clinic.

Thorough planning and preparation will ensure that your fertility treatment abroad goes smoothly and that you feel well looked after during your stay.

It is important to research and compare different fertility clinics before choosing one. Make sure that the clinic has qualified and experienced doctors and medical professionals who specialise in assisted reproductive technologies."


In conclusion, embarking on fertility treatment abroad is an important decision that requires careful planning and preparation. The journey to parenthood through assisted reproductive technologies can be emotionally challenging, but with the right steps it can also be a fulfilling and successful one.

Understanding the protocols and procedures of your chosen fertility clinic is crucial. It's important to establish clear communication with the clinic staff and have a thorough medical evaluation to ensure you are a suitable candidate for treatment. Researching and selecting a reputable clinic with experienced professionals can make a significant difference to the success of your treatment.

Preparing for your trip involves not only organising travel documents, but also considering the financial aspects, medical care and cultural differences of your destination. Maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on your wellbeing are also important aspects of your preparation.

Throughout your fertility treatment abroad, remember that each cycle is unique and the exact protocols may vary. Communicating openly with the clinic team and seeking emotional support will help you overcome the challenges of this journey.

Ultimately, thorough planning and preparation will not only ensure that your treatment goes smoothly, but will also give you the best possible chance of fulfilling your desire to have a child. With the right support and a well-prepared approach, you can embark on this life-changing journey with confidence and hope.

IVF treatment process abroad
IVF treatment process abroad
IVF treatment process abroad
IVF treatment process abroad
IVF treatment process abroad
IVF treatment process abroad
About the Author

Hello, I am Nathalie Wiederkehr, a medical tourism expert from Biel, Switzerland. I too wanted to have children, but due to my age and divorce I was not supported in my country. That is why I founded "Your IVF Support" to help all women with my knowledge about fertility treatments in Europe.

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