September 2, 2021 8:42 am

Nathalie Wiederkehr

When expecting a baby, you might like to know its gender even before the child’s birth. Especially with their firstborn child, many women long for a girl. Men often have a strong desire for a son. Usually the embryo’s gender can be determined after the 14th week of gestation. In some cases this might not happen until the 20th week of pregnancy.

With an IVF treatment, the prerequisite for gender determination is quite different. While Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT or PGT-A) is not routinely done, and parents-to-be are expected to await the pregnancy ultrasound to find out the baby’s sex, PGT with gender selection can be requested, thus allowing doctors and parents to know the embryo’s gender before transfer to the womb. This method has a success rate of 99.9%.

Why IVF with Gender Selection?

When it comes to their baby’s gender many future parents do not have any preference. Most relying on assisted reproduction are just happy to successfully become pregnant. However, there certainly are valid reasons for choosing one sex over the other and these can be quite distinct.

On the one hand there are societal reasons for gender selection. There may already be several daughters in a family and the parents are determined to finally have a son. Their desire may be very strong and such unpredictability may negatively affect the pregnancy. Knowing for certain that they are expecting a son can greatly help these parents.

Besides considerations of family composition there may be cultural aspects that play a part. In some cultures the birth of a son is extremely important.

Along with societal and cultural purposes, medical indications and health related risks may necessitate gender selection via PGT. There are for example, rare genetic disorders linked to the male sex. Especially parents already with an infirm child will want to avoid the risk of having another suffering of the same disorder. In this case too, PGT with gender selection can help prevent great sorrow.

Gender Selection

Legal Parameters of PGT and Family Balancing

Future parents need to know that in most countries, such as in German speaking Europe, the option of gender selection with IVF treatment is against the law. There are only very few countries internationally where the procedure is either legally possible or at least not clearly prohibited.

Some countries permit Family Balancing: The IVF Clinic will consider the current gender composition of a family before choosing a fertilized egg of the desired sex for transfer. If, for example, there are already two sons in a family, the option of Family Balancing may be a way to add that daughter they have been longing for.

If a patient’s request is reasonable, no doctor will refuse the treatment, everything happens within legal parameters. Of course, it needs to be said that this method is no guarantee for a successful pregnancy. Family Balancing just ensures that doctors choose only fertilized eggs of the selected gender to be transferred. This selection of gender, at least of genetically healthy eggs, does not usually influence the success rate of implantation in any way.

«There are only very few countries internationally where the procedure is either legally possible or at least not clearly prohibited.»

Properly informed for IVF treatment abroad

Especially due to the fact that very few countries allow gender selection via Preimplantation Genetic Testing it is vital that you have the most accurate information and are aware of which countries offer which options. Always pay special attention to local laws. Your desire to influence the gender of your child is medically possible and doable. However, I suggest not openly addressing the subject in your home country. Doctors practicing in countries where gender selection is not legal are prohibited from recommending such testing.

Here is my simple advice for all patients: Do not mention to your local doctor that you are planning gender testing with your IVF treatment abroad. This is of no relevance to them, you are sure that you are not breaking any laws and everyone involved is happy.

Increasingly more prospective parents decide to book their IVF treatment at one of the state-of-the-art clinics. Not least because the legal system there permits PGD with gender selection. All related testing and procedures are regulated and legal for both patients and doctors. The clinics are renowned for their great professionality and high success rates.

About the Author

Hello, I am Nathalie Wiederkehr, a medical tourism expert from Biel, Switzerland. I too wanted to have children, but due to my age and divorce I was not supported in my country. That is why I founded "Your IVF Support" to help all women with my knowledge about fertility treatments in Europe.

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