June 16, 2024 3:27 pm

Nathalie Wiederkehr

If you are considering IVF (in vitro fertilisation) to fulfil your dream of having a baby, it is important to know the success rates of different clinics. But remember that these rates are only one piece of the puzzle. Each person and couple has their own unique circumstances, from age to health and lifestyle factors. This means that success rates can vary widely.

In this blog, we'll look at the main factors that affect IVF success rates, why it's important to compare clinics, and what to look for when choosing the best clinic for you.

Understanding IVF success rates

IVF success rates are an important factor when evaluating clinics, but they should not be the only deciding factor. Different clinics report their success rates differently, and many variables can affect these figures.

Here are some common things to look out for:

  • Embryo transfer: Some clinics perform multiple embryo transfers to increase their success rate. However, this practice can be risky and lead to multiple pregnancies and associated complications. It is often better to transfer only one embryo and freeze the others for future attempts.
  • The age of the patients: Success rates should be broken down by age group, as age has a significant effect on the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.
  • Standardisation: Unfortunately, success rates are not standardised, so each clinic can present their success rates as they see fit (e.g. success rate after 3 cycles instead of 1). This can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.
  • Live birth rate: The live birth rate is the most important but often the most unfavorable figure. Many clinics do not publish this figure as it is lower than the beta hCG rate (around day 14).
  • Treatment abroad: Many clinics abroad mainly offer egg or embryo donation, which leads to higher success rates. These treatments generally have much higher success rates than IVF using the patient's own eggs.
  • Miscarriage rate: Clinics often do not state that the miscarriage rate must be deducted from the success rate. If it is mentioned at all, the miscarriage rate is often only 15%. However, the miscarriage rate for women over 40 is much higher (around 70% and more). This is an important factor to consider.
  • Type of treatment: It is important to break down exactly what treatment has been done. For example, IVF with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has better success rates than IVF without PGD.
  • Fresh versus frozen embryos: Success rates can vary depending on whether fresh or frozen embryos are used. In general, the differences are small, but can be significant, especially in certain clinical situations.
  • Sperm analysis and blood test: The quality of the sperm and current blood and hormone levels are crucial to success. Different clinics may make different assessments and recommendations, resulting in different success rates.
  • Technological equipment: Clinics with more advanced technologies, such as PGD or other modern technologies such as EmbryoscopePlus or AI, may have higher success rates.
  • Clinic experience: Clinic experience and specialisation in certain treatment protocols and patient groups can influence success rates. Clinics that have a lot of experience with older women or certain medical conditions may have better results.
  • Patient care and follow-up: Intensive care and follow-up can improve the success of IVF treatment. Clinics that provide comprehensive care throughout the process have higher success rates.
  • Clinical trials and research: Clinics that participate in clinical trials and research programs may have access to the latest treatments and technologies, which can improve success rates.

Examples of IVF success rates

IVF success rates can vary greatly depending on the age of the patient. Here are some examples to illustrate success rates by age group:

  • Under 35: Around 50-55%. Women in this age group have the highest success rates because their eggs tend to be of good quality and their overall fertility is higher.
  • 35-37 years old: Around 40-45%. This is when fertility starts to decline, which affects IVF success rates.
  • 38-40 years: Around 30-35%. The quality and quantity of eggs continues to decline, resulting in lower success rates.
  • 41-42 years old: Around 20-25%. Women in this age group have significantly lower chances of IVF success due to a sharp decline in fertility and an increase in miscarriage rates.
  • Over 42 years old: Less than 10%. At this age, the chances of successful IVF are very low because the quality and quantity of the eggs decreases significantly.

These figures show how important it is to take age and other personal factors into account when assessing IVF success rates. Also, these figures do not take into account how many times a patient has undergone IVF treatment. Multiple attempts can increase the success rate, but also the risk and the emotional and financial burden.

It is also important to note that these success rates are often based on pregnancy rates and do not necessarily reflect live birth rates. The live birth rate is often lower because it takes into account the risk of miscarriage and pregnancy complications. In addition, many clinics do not always report this critical data completely or transparently, making it difficult to compare success rates.

The miscarriage rate, particularly in older women, can have a significant impact on the actual chances of success. For example, the miscarriage rate for women over the age of 40 is around 70%, which means that even if a pregnancy does occur, the chances of a miscarriage are unfortunately very high. This is an important factor to consider when evaluating clinic success rates.

Success rates are therefore a complex issue involving many variables and individual factors. A detailed medical history and assessment is essential to get a realistic idea of your own chances of success and to find the clinic that best suits your personal needs.

Factors affecting the success of IVF

The success of IVF treatment depends on many factors, from your personal medical history to specific treatment protocols. Here are some of the most important factors that can influence IVF success:

Personal medical history

Your medical history is an important factor in the success of IVF treatment. Here are some specific points to consider:

  • Age: Fertility declines with age, which has a direct impact on IVF success rates. Younger women generally have a better chance of a successful pregnancy because their eggs are of better quality.
  • Medical condition: Certain medical conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and endometriosis can affect fertility and therefore the success of IVF. Chronic illnesses and hormonal imbalances also play a role.
  • Lifestyle: Factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and general health can have a significant impact on the outcome of IVF. A healthy lifestyle can increase the chances of a successful treatment.

Sperm quality

The man's fertility is just as important as the woman's. The quality and quantity of sperm contribute significantly to the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. The following factors can affect sperm quality.

  • Health: Conditions such as diabetes, infections or hormonal disorders can affect sperm quality.
  • Lifestyle: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse and even environmental toxins can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm.
  • Age: As with women, men's fertility declines with age and DNA fragmentation in sperm increases, which can affect the success rate.

Treatment protocols

Treatment protocols can vary depending on the clinic and individual needs. Some clinics have more experience with certain protocols or patient groups, which can affect their success rates. Important aspects include

  • Ovarian stimulation: Ovarian stimulation methods can affect the number and quality of eggs retrieved.
  • Embryo transfer techniques: The timing and method of embryo transfer can affect the implantation rate and therefore the success of treatment.
  • Genetic testing: Carrying out genetic tests such as PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) can help to identify chromosomal abnormalities and transfer only healthy embryos, increasing the success rate.
  • Technological equipment: Clinics with advanced technology and modern laboratories can make more accurate diagnoses and provide more successful treatments.

Other influencing factors

  • Immunological factors: Sometimes a woman's immune system can play a role in preventing or promoting pregnancy. Tests and treatments to modulate the immune system may be important.
  • Mental health: Stress, anxiety and depression can affect the success of IVF treatment. Good psychological counselling can help.
  • Diet and supplementation: A balanced diet and appropriate vitamin and mineral supplementation can improve fertility.
  • Medical history: Previous surgeries, pregnancies and births can affect the chances of success.

Any of these factors can affect the outcome of IVF treatment. It is therefore important that you and your partner undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation and develop a personalised treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. Choosing the right clinic, considering all the relevant factors and taking a holistic approach can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Choosing the right IVF clinic is not just about success rates. It's important to consider your individual medical history, the clinic's expertise and technology, and the personal support they offer."

Compare IVF clinics

Because success rates are reported differently, it is important to compare clinics carefully. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Standardisation: Look for clinics that base their success rates on standardised measures, such as percentages per cycle, age groups and treatment methods. This will give you a fair comparison.
  • Experience with specific conditions: Some clinics have more experience with certain conditions or age groups. Clinics that specialise in your particular needs may offer better results.
  • Treatments offered: Clinics that offer more advanced treatments, such as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) or egg and embryo donation, may have higher success rates. These treatments can be particularly helpful if you have special medical needs.
  • Technology: Clinics with modern equipment and technology usually have a better chance of success. This includes technologies such as artificial insemination, EmbryoScope+, process control and advanced air purification systems in the laboratories.
  • Transparency: Make sure the clinic is transparent about its success rates and provides detailed information about the methods used and the patient groups.
  • Patient care: Comprehensive care throughout the treatment process, including psychological support and aftercare, can also have a positive impact on success rates.
  • Testimonials: Testimonials and reviews from other patients can provide valuable insight into the quality of the clinic and patient satisfaction.

Case study: Success rates in European clinics

A clinic in Northern Cyprus has the following success rates

  • IVF for women aged 20-29: 56%.
  • IVF for women aged 30-34: 54%.
  • IVF for women aged 35-39: 47%.
  • IVF for women aged 40 and over: 14%.

In comparison, egg donation success rates are much higher:

  • Egg donation for women aged 20-29: 82%.
  • Egg donation for women aged 30-34: 81%.
  • Egg donation for women aged 35-39: 81%.
  • Egg donation for women aged 40 and over: 80%.

The success rate for genderselection is as follows

  • Genderselection IVF for women aged 20-29: 51%.
  • Genderselection IVF for women aged 30-34: 47%.
  • Genderselection IVF for women aged 35-39: 43%.
  • Genderselection IVF for women aged 40 and over: 11%.

These figures show the significant influence of age and type of treatment on success rates.

Technological advances in IVF

In the world of fertility treatments, there are more than 600 so-called add-ons that are constantly being developed. These add-ons can help increase the chances of success and offer patients a variety of ways to improve their chances of getting pregnant.

Here are some of the key technologies and techniques used in modern fertility clinics:

  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): ICSI is a procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg. This method is particularly useful in cases of male infertility.
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD): PGD helps to identify healthy embryos before transfer, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.
  • Assisted hatching: This technique involves slightly opening the outer shell of the embryo to facilitate hatching and implantation in the uterus.
  • Vitrification: A rapid freezing process that significantly increases the survival rate of eggs, sperm and embryos after thawing.
  • Process control and advanced incubators such as EmbryoScope: These technologies monitor and optimise the conditions in which embryos are cultured to achieve the best results.
  • High quality equipment in the laboratories: The use of the latest and highest quality materials in the laboratories ensures the best possible conditions for embryo cultivation and treatment.
  • Blastocyst culture: The embryos are cultured until the blastocyst stage (day 5 or 6), which can increase the success rate of the transfer, as the embryos are at a more advanced stage of development.
  • Modern sperm selection: Techniques such as microchipping, swim-up or surgical sperm retrieval for azoospermia help to select the best sperm for fertilisation.
  • PRP (platelet-rich plasma): This therapy can promote healing and regeneration of the endometrium.
  • Intralipid fusion therapy: This is used to improve the implantation rate and reduce the number of miscarriages.
  • Embryo glue: A special solution that helps the embryo implant in the uterus.
  • DNA fragmentation test: This test checks the DNA integrity of the sperm, which can be particularly helpful in cases of repeated miscarriages or unsuccessful IVF cycles.

It is important to be aware that not all treatments are well researched and in some cases there are no conclusive scientific trials. It can be difficult to find out what really helps and what doesn't. However, the fact is that the more the clinic is involved in research and experimental treatments, the better the success rates.

The importance of personalised treatment

Every person and couple has unique needs. A personalised approach to IVF can significantly improve outcomes. It is important that each person is treated individually and no standardised protocols or treatments are recommended. This means that clinic staff need to be highly experienced, empathetic and professional. It is not a given that every clinic will have such good staff. These days, clinics and doctors often have to work faster and more cost-effectively, which can automatically lead to lower success rates.

1. Detailed medical examination

  • Comprehensive blood and hormone tests
  • Detailed sperm analysis
  • Individual health assessment to develop the best treatment strategies

2. Personalised treatment plans

  • Treatment tailored to your individual situation and medical history
  • Taking into account your personal wishes and needs
  • Regular review and adjustment of treatment plan to achieve optimal results

3. Advanced treatments:

  • Use of the latest techniques such as ICSI, PGD or egg donation to increase success rates
  • Use of innovative methods and technologies to support your desire to have children
  • Ongoing staff training to keep them up to date with the latest scientific developments.

It is important to know exactly which doctor, embryologist and nurses are treating you. The name of the clinic alone is not always meaningful, as many doctors and specialists move between clinics, and clinics are often part of large chains. It is therefore important to look at the experience and commitment of the individual treatment team.


It is advisable to contact several clinics and compare their services. Look for clinics that offer initial consultations and detailed treatment plans tailored to your specific situation.

Choosing the right IVF clinic is not just about success rates. It's important to consider your individual medical history, the clinic's expertise and technology, and the personal support they offer. By understanding the factors that influence IVF success and comparing clinics carefully, you can make an informed decision and increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Remember that the journey to parenthood through IVF is very personal and emotional. If you are well informed and take the initiative, you can embark on this journey with confidence and hope.


Sperm quality



Surgical options for male infertility



Modern technologies













About the Author

Hello, I am Nathalie Wiederkehr, a medical tourism expert from Biel, Switzerland. I too wanted to have children, but due to my age and divorce I was not supported in my country. That is why I founded "Your IVF Support" to help all women with my knowledge about fertility treatments in Europe.