Discover how you can make your baby girl's or baby boy's dreams come true.

I appreciate your interest and am committed to helping you find the ideal IVF clinic for your needs.


The trend of couples seeking IVF treatment abroad is increasing.

As the availability of treatment varies from country to country, many people are choosing to travel overseas to fulfil their desire to become parents. In fact, according to Global Clinic Rating, the best IVF clinics are in Europe. Whether you're married, single, in a same-sex relationship or considering gender selection, I specialise in dealing with the most sensitive issues. I can guide you to the most appropriate IVF clinics. You also have the unique opportunity to combine your medical journey with a holiday abroad. This approach allows you to undergo the procedure privately and comfortably, free from the questioning and judgement of people you know.

Nathalie Wiederkehr

Hi, I am Nathalie

I wanted a daughter, but my age and unmarried status limited the support I could get in my country of residence. When I reached the age of 45, I came to realise that, even as a single person, I could have had my wish fulfilled by embryo donation with gender selection.

For half of my life, I've lived and worked as a tour guide in various countries, which has given me the opportunity to meet different medical professionals and get to know clinics across continents and nations. The excellence and professionalism of these clinics inspired me to help others find reputable IVF clinics and make the journey to parenthood easier.

This guide covers the fundamental aspects of IVF treatments, including topics such as egg donation, embryo donation, single and lesbian motherhood, IVF treatments for the over 50s and genetic testing, including gender selection. Its aim is to provide you with an insight into the different dimensions of this field and to facilitate your decision-making process and your journey towards parenthood.

List of Content

The Legal Foundations

In this section you will find information about the legal aspects of fertility treatments in Europe.

Regulations vary from country to country and this affects the availability of treatments.

It is important to choose the country of treatment over the clinic, as each country has its own unique set of legal requirements and treatment options that need to be taken into account.

Northern Cyprus

I'm delighted to introduce you to Northern Cyprus. It may not be on everyone's radar yet, but this gem of a destination boasts some of the best IVF clinics in the world. These clinics are renowned for their exceptional success rates, cutting-edge technology and affordable prices. Combining medical excellence with stunning scenery, Northern Cyprus offers an unparalleled option for those seeking fertility treatment in a tranquil holiday setting.

Success Rates

Unfortunately, the lack of a standardised success rates makes it difficult to compare fertility clinics. However, in this section I will present the average success rates of a fertility clinic in Northern Cyprus as an illustrative example to give you a clearer idea of what you can expect. By looking at these statistics, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision about your fertility journey and choose the best possible route to achieving your dream of having a baby girl or baby boy.


Understanding the pricing framework for each treatment option is essential, as unforeseen costs may arise. This understanding will help to identify which treatments are included in the quoted price and to anticipate additional costs. It's important to remember that treatments are often presented in a favourable light to match marketing tactics. By carefully examining the cost breakdown and seeking transparent information, you can make financial decisions that are in line with your needs and expectations.

The Legal Foundations

The laws governing IVF treatments differ from one nation to the next. Every procedure has its own set of criteria and requirements. For example, egg donation is possible across Europe with the exception of five nations.

However, there are also taboo subjects such as gender selection, which is only allowed in some regions of the US, but has not yet been banned in a few countries.

Typical destinations for single women in Europe for anonymous sperm donation are as follows:

  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark (open and anonymous sperm donation)
  • Germany (only some regions, open sperm donation)
  • Estonia
  • Finland (open sperm donation)
  • France
  • Greece
  • United Kingdom (open sperm donation)
  • Ireland (open sperm donation)
  • Iceland
  • Croatia
  • Latvia
  • Netherlands (open sperm donation)
  • Portugal (open sperm donation)
  • Republic of of Northern Cyprus (open sperm donation from Denmark possible)
  • Republik of Cyprus
  • Russia
  • Sweden (open sperm donation)
  • Spain
  • Ukraine

Depending on the personal situation, not every country will be suitable for single women to undergo artificial fertilisation. PGD and egg donation, or double donation, are not available to single women everywhere.

Typical destinations for lesbian couples in Europe are following countries:

  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark (open and anonymous sperm donation)
  • Germany (only some regions)
  • Finland (open sperm donation)
  • France
  • United Kingdom (open sperm donation)
  • Ireland (open sperm donation)
  • Israel
  • Iceland
  • Latvia
  • Netherlands
  • Austria
  • Republik of Northern Cyprus (open and anonymous sperm donation, not all clinics)
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Sweden (open sperm donation)
  • Spain

Depending on the personal situation, not every country will be suitable for lesbian couples to undergo artificial fertilisation. PGD, egg donation, double donation or shared motherhood are not available to lesbian couples everywhere, and depending on the country, lesbian couples must live in a registered partnership.

Egg donation and embryo donation

Only five countries now prohibit egg donation: Germany, Switzerland, Latvia, Turkey and Bosnia. You can obtain an egg donation, an embryo donation or embryo adoption in all other nations. However, not all nations allow for shared motherhood. Although sperm donation is accessible almost everywhere, it is not always offered to single women and lesbian couples.

There are three types of donors: open donation, anonymous and known donation.

In some countries, selected IVF clinics offer the option to send your frozen eggs, embryo and/or sperm donation through specialized IVF transport services.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD, PGT-A, NGS)

Genetic testing of embryos is not allowed everywhere, but is very popular among women over 35.

Only in Northern Cyprus the X/Y chromosome results are disclosed. 

In these countries you are allowed to do the tests on embryos before transfer:

  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Great Britain
  • Israel
  • Latvia
  • Austria (after 3 miscarriages)
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Republic of Northern Cyprus
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Russia
  • Switzerand (since 2015)
  • Spain
  • Czech Republic
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine

Gender selection is not prohibited in the following countries:

  • Argentina
  • Bulgaria
  • Cambodia
  • Egypt
  • Geogia
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Malyasia
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Northern Cyprus
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Ukraine
  • USA

Depending on your personal situation, not every country is suitable for IVF with gender selection. For example, single and lesbian couples or women over 50 may not get the support they need in every country, and some destinations, such as the UAE, do not allow egg donation.

Northern Cyprus has a really good IVF clinics with high success rates and affordable prices. These clinics have experts who can speak different languages and help single women and couples, including those who are in a same-sex relationship. They also offer services for women over 50. What's great is that Northern Cyprus is a secret place where you can have IVF treatments privately. It's like a hidden place where your fertility plans are safe, and you can also have a nice private holiday there without anyone knowing you are having fertility treatment.

Nathalie Wiederkehr  IVF Consultant


See the most asked questions


A growing number of doctors are willing to assist you if you want to undergo an IVF treatment abroad, but not all of them are doing it now. In Germany and Switzerland, doctors are not required to provide assistance since egg donation is prohibited in these countries. Inquire about the clinic's international partners and doctors; this will simplify your planning and make the whole process easier. I would advise a full treatment abroad in some cases.


No. Women and men who travel to another country for fertility treatment, whether for gender selection, or any other reason, are not subject to prosecution.

Doctors, on the other hand, may face legal consequences if they perform or market such therapies. Doctors' licenses to practice medicine may even be revoked!

Northern Cyprus

In my opinion, Northern Cyprus is one of the best IVF destinations in the world: it has top IVF clinics, a professional multilingual medical team, modern facilities and high success rates at attractive prices. In addition, Northern Cyprus offers a fantastic and relaxing year-round holiday experience with its stunning Mediterranean coastline, rich history and pleasant climate, all easily accessible by direct flights from various cities.

Nicosia Karawanserei

Cyprus has more than 300 days of sunshine a year, making it a popular holiday destination. From the Stone Age to the British to the Ottomans, the Mediterranean island has had a long and complex history. The island was divided in 1974, with the Republic of Cyprus in the south and the Republic of Northern Cyprus in the north.

ECN or Ercan Airport is located near the divided capital of Lefkosa and is served by many flights from Turkey every day. The flight time from Istanbul to Ercan is only 90 minutes. The official language is Turkish, but many other languages, including English, are also spoken. Payment by cash or credit card is usually accepted in local currency, as well as dollars and euros.

Girne im Dezember am Hafen

The most popular and largest cities in Northern Cyprus are Lefkosa (English: Nicosia) and Girne (English: Kyrenia), both rich in cultural heritage and tourist attractions. 

Larnacs Airport (LCA) lies in the Greek-speaking section of the Republic of Cyprus, in the south of the island. During the high season, many international charters fly everyday from various parts of Europe to the sunny island.

The ideal beaches and hotels are well-known for providing a relaxing vacation and luxurious ambiance. The weather is pleasant even in the winter, so you can visit the place all year long.


See the most asked questions

Why Travel to Northern Cyprus for an IVF Treatment?

Northern Cyprus is one of the most popular locations for egg donation and IVF with gender selection. This is due to the low cost of treatment and liberal IVF regulations compared to the rest of Europe and the world.

Northern Cyprus is a charming and welcoming destination for fertility treatment due to its excellent air links, its state of the art health care facilities and its holiday atmosphere and hospitality.

Overview of IVF treatments in Northern Cyprus

The largest IVF clinics have been practicing successfully for many years and are specialized in IVF treatments for private patients. Every year an IVF clinic performs more than 1000 cycles, and the live birth rate is on average about 70% according to Global Clinic Rating. They have modern operating theatres, comfortable private patient rooms, andrology, embryology and cryopreservation laboratories, and a recovery room for patients after fertility treatment. The IVF clinics are staffed by several medical specialists and embryologists, most of whom have over 10 years of experience and are ESHRE accredited. The clinics have an experienced international team that is multilingual and speaks among other German, English, French, Italian and Spanish.

IVF treatment for singles

Anonymous donation of sperm, eggs and embryos is permitted. Additionally, open sperm donation can be requested in Denmark.

IVF treatment for lesbian couples

Options for shared motherhood are limited but accessible. Anonymous sperm, egg, and embryo donation are permitted. Open sperm donation is available from Denmark.

Open egg donation

Not allowed in Northern Cyprus.

Anonymous egg donation

Allowed until 56 years, subject to additional tests.

Double donation

Anonymous embryo donation is allowed. Everyone can order open sperm donation in Denmark.

Gender Selection

Even though it's not officially allowed, clinics may still share PGD test results with you, showing the X/Y chromosomes clearly.

Known donation

Some clinics offer the option of selecting a known donor, which means that choosing your own donor and sending them to Northern Cyprus is not usually allowed, but can be arranged.

IVF treatment for women until 56 years

Anonymous sperm, egg- and embryo donation allowed, open sperm donation can be ordered in Denmark.

Open sperm donation

Available for ordering in Denmark, although not offered by every clinic.

Embryo adoption

It is not possible to release one's own embryos for adoption in Northern Cyprus.

Success Rates

Some clinics use pregnancy tests to determine success rates, whereas others rely on live births or a verified heartbeat. Since no benchmark for success rates has been set, it is impossible to compare clinics. Each facility has its unique set of success rates.

The majority of clinics report success rates after the first bHCG test. However, they point out that the miscarriage rate still needs to be taken into account. Normally, success rates should only include one cycle, but clinics do not always adhere to this.

Individual circumstances also need to be taken into account. No two women or men are the same, so it is impossible to give a uniform likelihood of success. People who have an unhealthy lifestyle or are overweight are less likely to be successful than those who are healthy and fit.

The success rate of overseas clinics may surprise you when compared to local facilities. This does not mean that they are better or worse in any way: most international clinics offer virtually only egg donation services. The overall success rate for egg donation across all clinics and countries is around 80%. Some clinics prefer to use only egg donation for marketing reasons. They may therefore have higher pregnancy rates. Other clinics help women over 40 to become pregnant by extracting and fertilising their own eggs. The estimated success rate is between 15 and 60 per cent, depending on age. These clinics have a lower success rate, but are sometimes better because they have more modern technology.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is rarely offered because of its high cost and the fact that it is prohibited in some countries. However, pregnancy success rates often increase when the test is used. Typically, a healthy embryo has a 70% chance of surviving in the womb. The NGS method helps to achieve a maximum success rate of 95% after three cycles.

You will be given an estimated success rate after providing your hormone and blood results, full medical history and spermiogram.

Nathalie Wiederkehr  IVF Consultant

Northern Cyprus Success Rates

According to bHCG blood tests on the 11th day, IVF procedures had the following success rates, omitting a 10 to 15% miscarriage rate: (example from a clinic in Northern Cyprus).

With your Own Oocytes

20-29 Years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

30-34 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

35-39 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

40+ years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
With Egg Donation

20-29 Years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

30-34 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

35-39 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

40+ years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
IVF with Own Oocytes and Gender Selection

20-29 Years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

30-34 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

35-39 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

40+ years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
IVF with Egg Donation and Gender Selection

20-29 Years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

30-34 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

35-39 years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

40+ years

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress

In a nutshell:

If you are under the age of 39, expect going through one to three cycles before getting pregnant. If you are above 40, egg donation is more likely to increase pregnancy success rates.

If you want to undergo IVF treatment with NGS, you can expect a 15 per cent higher chance of success.


It is important to understand the pricing structure of every treatment option because a lot of unexpected fees may catch you off guard. Keep in mind that treatments are routinely advertised as beneficial for marketing purposes.

These are typical components that should be included in the price:

  • Ultrasound exams and physician consultations
  • Assisted Hatching or Embryo Glue if necessary
  • Embryo culture while using an Embryoscope+ (value EUR 1000)
  • The use of RI Witness (The system helps mitigate the risk of human error every time samples are moved from one dish or tube to another)

PGT-A FISH analysis tests for all chromosomes and is often used to detect embryo aneuploidy if you are over 35 years old and want a fresh embryo transfer (the more chromosomes, the more expensive.).

NGS analysis can detect abnormalities across the entire genome, and the results are available within 2-4 weeks.

Unless specifically stated, these costs are not included in the IVF treatment package:

  • Injectable medications used for ovarian stimulation, transfer medications, and other (approx. 1.000 - 2.500 EUR)
  • Genetic Tests
  • Cryopreservation, storage and thawing of the embryo
  • Surgical procedure (including TESE)
  • Travel expense and accommodation

pricing plans 2023

ICSI + own occyte


Average price per cycle

Embryo donation


Average price per cycle

EGG Donation


Average price per cycle

gender selection


Average price per cycle

What Clients Say

Thank you so much for your unconditional support as I pursue my dream of becoming a mother!

Congratulations Nathalie! It's incredible what you've accomplished and how supportive you've been as our coach. You are a true blessing in my life, and I believe I speak for all of your patients when I say I am thankful for your presence.

You gain a lot of background information, receive assistance with any personal issue, get a better understanding of the entire procedure, and meet like-minded individuals through this site. Nathalie is always there for you and knows the answers to every question, which makes the whole journey reassuring. The services are so helpful, especially in overcoming the fear and stress of receiving treatment overseas. I will definitely do it again!


I hope that I have given you a valuable insight into IVF treatment options in Europe.

Having personally faced the challenges of infertility and visited clinics abroad, some in collaboration with Swiss doctors, I have gained a deep understanding of the most reputable clinics in this specialised field.

If you are ready to take the next step on your journey to parenthood and are looking for a reliable European clinic, I am here to help. Allow me to guide you in your search for the ideal clinic and help you plan your path to achieving your dream of parenthood.

Do not hesitate to contact me today and secure my support.

Let's work together to make your dreams come true.

I have every hope for your success and I truly believe that my assistance can play a significant role in making your dreams come true.

I wish you all the best for your fertility journey and lots of love,


Nathalie Wiederkehr - author | blogger | entrepreneur
