I Help You Find Your Best IVF Clinic in Northern Cyprus.

Start your journey to a fulfilling family life in Northern Cyprus now - top clinics await you with IVF treatments including PGD, gender selection, egg donation and embryo donation, as well as excellent success rates and irresistible prices.


A wide range of people cannot achieve their right to found a family due to restrictive laws.

Your IVF Support is waging a battle to ensure that all women have access to reputable, successful and affordable fertility clinics regardless of race, age, ethnicity, financial background, sexual orientation, and marital status.

After extensive research, I can only recommend the most reputable and modern IVF clinics in Northern Cyprus due to their very liberal laws. They also have very high success rates, offer attractive prices, have very qualified professionals and modern equipment and infrastructure for all ART procedures - including IVF/ICSI, egg donation, embryo / double donation, embryo adoption, sperm donation, age 50+, PGD and gender selection. 

My Story

Nathalie Wiederkehr

I wished to have a daughter, but due to my age and the fact that I was single, I received no support in my country of residence.

One of the treatment options I had was to travel to another state with a clinic that could offer me an embryo donation with gender selection. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do this alone because I was afraid I wouldn't get the financial and emotional support I needed. That's when it hit me that every woman should educate herself about the possibilities of fertility treatment and what she can do to improve her chances of becoming a mother.

That’s why I founded Your IVF Support. My goal is to empower women’s reproductive healthcare needs, raise awareness about the availability of excellent IVF clinics in Northern Cyprus and offer assistance to anyone in need.

If you wish to become a mother through ART, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can learn more about me and my contributions to the world of fertility and reproduction by clicking on about me.

Your IVF Support Services

Each fertility clinic has its own specialities and there are considerable differences.

After extensive research, I only recommend highly reputable and modern IVF clinics in Northern Cyprus that specialise in caring for international patients and speak several languages. These modern clinics have been designed to provide you with the best possible care and support at every step of the way towards making your fertility dreams a reality.

I am here to help you with all my expertise, whether it is through online courses or personal consultations.

Free Guide

Regulations vary from country to country and have a significant impact on the availability of IVF treatment. Because of these unique legal requirements, it's important to carefully select the most suitable countries for your future treatment.

Let me introduce you to Northern Cyprus, a hidden gem in the fertility world. It has leading IVF clinics renowned for their outstanding success rates, cutting-edge technology and affordability. In addition, Northern Cyprus offers stunning scenery, making it the ideal place to combine your fertility treatment with a holiday.

Although comparing clinics can be challenging, I'll give you the average success rates of a Northern Cyprus clinic as an illustrative example.

Understanding the components of the cost of IVF treatment is essential to avoid hidden costs. I'll break down the various cost elements to ensure you have a clear understanding of your financial decisions.

This knowledge will enable you to make informed decisions on your journey to parenthood.

Private Package

Are you looking for discreet, unbiased fertility counselling that puts your individual needs first?

Look no further. I am your trusted advocate, providing unwavering support through a one-to-one, personalised Zoom consultation. You have the flexibility to choose your preferred language for the consultation, with options available in English, German, French, Italian or Spanish.

With my private package, you'll receive an in-depth 45-minute Zoom call, tailored specifically to your needs. This intimate conversation allows us to fully address your concerns. After our call, you'll receive a personalised email summarising our discussion and providing key information tailored to your needs.

Together we can make your dream of having a baby boy or girl a wonderful reality.

Curious about the experiences of women who have used my services? Here are a few testimonials that speak for themselves:

"Nathalie provides a lot of background knowledge and help for personal concerns. Through her coaching, I understood the whole procedure much better and met like-minded people. Nathalie is always there for you and knows the answer to almost every question. If she doesn't, she researches it and finds out. So super helpful! I was able to lose the fear of treatment abroad. I would gladly do it again!" (anonymous client)

"Thank you so much! You have given me hope along the way. Now it's time to embark on the childbearing journey." (anonymous client).

"Congratulations, dear Nathalie! It is simply amazing what you have achieved and how you stand behind us as our coach. You are really an enrichment in my life, and I think I speak for all of your members - I am glad that you exist." (anonymous client)

"I would like to say a big thank you to Nathalie. I follow your posts of all kinds and appreciate your lovely, professional manner and, above all, your great knowledge and experience. You are an incredible enrichment for us!" (anonymous client)

"Thank you very much. You have accompanied me for a part of my journey - now the adventure of family starts!" (anonymous client)

"Dear Nathalie, my heart is jumping right now. You are our angel. Thank you so much, and I will be happy to get in touch with you again." (anonymous client)

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